Tuesday 7 August 2007

Moai or chips?

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Before I go any further, I was most amused by a comment I received on the placenta post this morning. The idea that, by dint of being suitably repulsive, I can induce weight loss in others, seems worthy of pursuit.

In other news, I weigh a quite stupendous 192lbs. Our MD wants to know what that is in stone and I actually take the time to switch the scales to the St./lbs setting and weighing myself, which is a sad indictment of the way I have come to rely on technology to carry out even the simplest of tasks. Somehow 13St 10lbs seems heavier than 192lbs, so I am a little deflated as I wander off to visit Ivor.

I am having a poo

Post poo I weigh in at 189.4lbs. The MD is still quite amazed that it is possible to lose 30lbs in such a short space of time, but I recommend pooing more.

Ah, but 'tis a bright and sunny day and a young man's thoughts are wont to turn to Easter Island.

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